Traces of Fukushima Radiation Detected Off California Coast.
Extremely low levels of
radioactive cesium from Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown are
present in ocean water offshore Northern California, researchers
announced Monday (Nov. 10).
In seawater collected about 100 miles (161 kilometers) offshore of Eureka, the amount of cesium-134
was 2 Becquerels per cubic meter of water (a unit of measure based on
the number of radioactive decay events per second per 260 gallons of
water). That's about 1,000 times lower than the drinking water limit set
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
This level of radioactivity does not represent a health hazard for
people who want to fish or swim in the area, said Ken Buesseler, a
marine chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in
Massachusetts, who helped analyze the seawater. Buesseler is leading a crowdfunded citizen science program to track cesium levels from the meltdown by collecting water samples along the U.S. and Canadian West Coast.
A swimmer who spent 6 hours every day for a year in water with 10
Becquerels per cubic meter of cesium-134 would still receive 1,000 times
less radiation than the dose from a single dental X-ray, Buesseler
said. "Now, we have measurements that confirm that for human health,
when a mother from Santa Cruz calls me and asks if it's safe for my son
to go surfing, we have far fewer concerns," he said.
To date, no cesium-134 has been found at Canadian or U.S. beaches, including those in Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. The short-lived isotope has only been detected offshore.
Cesium-134 does not occur on its own in nature — only forming in
nuclear reactors — and it has a short two-year half-life. These
qualities make cesium-134 an ideal tracer of the pollution from the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown following the 2011 Japan
earthquake and tsunami. [Fukushima Radiation Leak: 5 Things You Should Know]
The new results also support fish sampling results from the Food and
Drug Administration, Buesseler said. To date, the FDA has not detected
radioactive iodine or cesium in fish caught in the North Pacific and
Alaska waters, where currents carry the Fukushima pollution.
It's possible that cold currents that upwell along the West Coast,
especially along California, may keep the eastward-flowing cesium-134
from reaching beaches for several more months, but researchers need more
data to confirm this idea.
"It's not a public health threat, but those last 100 miles are pretty tricky," Buesseler said.
It costs about $550 to $600 to test each sample at Buesseler's lab. No
federal or state research agencies have stepped in to help offset the
costs, so public fundraising pays for the analyses.
The latest samples were collected on donated time during a research
cruise from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, to Eureka, California, by the Moss
Landing Marine Laboratories in California. LUSH Cosmetics donated
$12,000 to test 24 water samples, but another 20 or so samples are still
sitting, waiting for someone to underwrite the cost.
Buesseler will present the findings Thursday (Nov. 13) at the Society
of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry's annual meeting in Vancouver,
British Columbia.
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